WORDSHOT AMAECHI UGWELE (Wordshot) is a writer, publisher and public affairs analyst with effective bilingual (English and Igbo) delivery.
He is on in the mornings for the Newspapers Headlines and Review which in Igbo is Okwu Akpunonu. He also joins Chizzy Ani on Nzuko, with his incisive and insightful analysis on Igbo news and current affairs.
Wordshot embarks on a weekly journey of bliss down the memory lane on Thursday afternoon with the best of old school music on his memorable show, Lunch Break Oldies With Wordshot. It is a presentation renowned for its historical flavour which combines well with his vintage selections for that top notch, pleasurably evocation of the sweet past.
He can be reached on 07037611903.
Email: amachris323@gmail.com, amaechi@wordsandshots.com